托福寫作技巧之提防10大殺手 托福寫作中有一些會“遺傳”的錯誤,考生們只顧著怎樣用經(jīng)典的句子加分,卻忽略了打好基礎,萬丈高樓平地起的道理。在用句措辭不能保證完全正確的情況下,返璞歸真來的更實際,少一些浮夸華麗的辭藻,但也不至于在托福寫作中因詬病而被扣分,以下為大家列出托福寫作中需要提防的10個常見錯誤。 1.用詞不當 學生們寫的作文里或多或少都會有一些用詞不當?shù)膯栴},但是要注意的是一些最最基本的錯誤是不能犯的。 In the show, if participators answer twenty problems that the host mentioned correctly, they will get five hundreds thousand U.S. dollars as a prize. ——problems應改為questions 2.拼寫錯誤 這里的拼寫錯誤不是指在考試時候的誤打,而是本身對詞匯拼寫記憶的錯誤。 In conclusion, issue of whether parents are the best teachers is a complex one, requiring subjective judgement, consequently, there are no easy or certain answers. ——judgement應改為judgment 3.亂用大詞 First of all, children can earn money from their jobs, although there isn‘t too much, but they will keep their salary gingerliness. 這里的gingerliness根本是不知所云。該句子還有以下問題: 1)該作文題目是講學生是否應該做兼職,因此children的出現(xiàn)就顯得很莫名其妙; 2)although和but是不能連用的; 3)指代不明,they不知道是指代前面的什么; 4.表達中式 The second argument-it might have been noticed by others-is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to compare parents to teachers because parents are a kind of people, teachers are a kind of vocation. 句子中劃線部分的表達過于中式化。 5.表意重復 They shocked their friends, devastated their families, crushed their best friends. 前面已經(jīng)提到了朋友,后面又提到朋友。 The show is so compelling but attractive. compelling和attractive是同義詞,所以這里這么寫就讓人不明白。 6.固定用法錯誤 To some extends, I agree with the author‘s general assertion that if parents also have a comprehensive sense of professional knowledge. ——To some extends應改為To some extent 7.例證夸張 For example, when a doctor faces a patient who has got cancer, the doctor cannot tell the truth, for the truth may cause the patient‘s immediate death. 雖然善意的謊言是必要的,但是其功效顯然沒有這么大。 8.成分多余 According to a comprehensive investigation which is carried out by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shows that there is an increase in the number of university students who are taking part-time jobs. 該句中的shows that是多余的成分。 9.詞性混亂 However, the questions such as "Have you ever regretted marrying your husband" may be very privacy and embarrassingly. 句子中的privacy和embarrassingly應該改成private和embarrassing. 10.時態(tài)錯誤 托福大作文一般使用現(xiàn)在時態(tài),除了拿過去事件作為例子用過去時態(tài)。 Some people claimed that news media has enormous influence and is a detrimental creation. —— claimed應該改為claim 推薦:托福寫作:打破慣性思維 |
課程名稱 | 老師 | 課時 | 試聽 | 報名 | 學費 |
托福強化口語班 | 劉志云 | 20 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
托福強化閱讀班 | 祁連山 | 18 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
托福強化聽力班 | 張 艷 | 44 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
托福強化寫作班 | 齊 轍 | 16 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
托福基礎聽說班 | 薛涵予 | 25 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
托;A閱讀班 | 劉 偉 | 26 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
托福基礎寫作班 | 劉家瑋 | 20 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
托福詞匯必備班 | 白 楊 | 19 | 試聽 | 報名 | 200元 |
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