

來源:來源于網(wǎng)絡發(fā)布時間:2010-02-01 15:34:43

  第四條 信用證與合同
  a. A credit by its nature is a separate transaction from the sale or other contract on which it may be based. Banks are in no way concerned with or bound by such contract, even if any reference whatsoever to it is included in the credit. Consequently, the undertaking of a bank to honour, to negotiate or to fulfill any other obligation under the credit is not subject to claims or defences by the applicant resulting from its relationships with the issuing bank or the beneficiary.
  A beneficiary can in no case avail itself of the contractual relationships existing between banks or between the applicant and the issuing bank.
  b. An issuing bank should discourage any attempt by the applicant to include, as an integral part of the credit, copies of the underlying contract, proforma invoice and the like.
  Article 5 Documents v. Goods, Services or Performance
  Banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or performance to which the documents may relate .
  Article 6 Availability, Expiry Date and Place for Presentation



① 凡本網(wǎng)注明稿件來源為"原創(chuàng)"的所有文字、圖片和音視頻稿件,版權均屬本網(wǎng)所有。任何媒體、網(wǎng)站或個人轉載、鏈接轉貼或以其他方式復制發(fā)表時必須注明"稿件來源:育路網(wǎng)",違者本網(wǎng)將依法追究責任;

② 本網(wǎng)部分稿件來源于網(wǎng)絡,任何單位或個人認為育路網(wǎng)發(fā)布的內(nèi)容可能涉嫌侵犯其合法權益,應該及時向育路網(wǎng)書面反饋,并提供身份證明、權屬證明及詳細侵權情況證明,育路網(wǎng)在收到上述法律文件后,將會盡快移除被控侵權內(nèi)容。