A chap barely even needs to have spoken to the object of his desire before declaring she is the one, a survey has found. Women, on the other hand, appear to take much longer to give their hearts away. While a man may be swooning at first sight, most women waited until at least the sixth date before deciding whether or not they had found the “real thing”。 One in five men claimed to have fallen in love at first sight. In contrast, only one in ten women said they had experienced love at first sight. Professor Alexander Gordon, a chartered psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society, said: “Men tended to tick more superficial boxes, such as looks, to help them decide whether they were ‘in love’。 Women were a little more complicated and likely to weigh up the pros and cons before settling on their choice.” "Women are cannier than men at making a lifetime choice," added Professor Gordon. According to the findings, the average British man falls in love just over three times in his life while the average woman falls in love only once. And more men than women claimed to have loved someone who did not love them back. Men were also more likely to say “I love you” first and to pine after their first love.據英國《每日郵報》16日報道,調查發(fā)現,男性甚至不需要和他所仰慕的女性說一句話便可認定這個女人就是自己的理想伴侶。 相反,女人看起來則需要更長時間才會付出自己的真心。 男性在第一眼看到一個女性時,就可能被迷得神魂顛倒,而大多數女性則會等到至少6次約會后才會確定此人是否就是自己的“真命天子”。 有1/5的男人稱自己曾有過一見鐘情的經歷。 相比之下,只有1/10的女性有過一見鐘情經歷。 亞歷山大?戈登教授是一名皇家心理學家,同時也是英國心理學協(xié)會會員,他說:“男性往往會通過外在,比如長相,來確定是否要‘墜入愛河’。而女性則會想得多一些,她們在做決定前可能就要把利弊權衡一番。” “在終身大事上,女性比男性更謹慎”,戈登教授補充說。 調查發(fā)現,每名英國男子一生中平均會墜入情網三次,而女性平均只有一次。 很多男性稱曾陷入單戀的漩渦。 男性更可能首先說“我愛你”,并在初戀結束后更易憔悴痛苦。 |
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