Section IIl Reading Comprehension (40 minutes ) PART A Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. Text 1 Fifteen years ago, I entered the Boston Globe, which was a temple to me then. It wasn¨t easy getting hired. But once you were there, I found, you were in. Globe jobs were for life-guaranteed until retirement. For 15 years I had prospered there!moving from an ordinary reporter to foreign correspondent and finally to senior editor. I would have a life- time of security if I stuck with it. Instead, I had made a decision to leave. I entered my boss¨s of- rice. Would he rage? I wondered. He had a famous temper. "Matt, we have to have a talk." I be.- gan awkwardly. "I came to the Globe when I was twenty-four. Now I¨ m forty. There¨ s a lot I want to do in life. I¨m resigning. " "To another paper?" he asked. I reached into my coat pocket, but didn¨t say anything. I handed him a letter that explained everything. It said that I was leaving to. start a new media company. We were at a rare turning point in history. I wanted to be directly en-gaged in the change. "I¨ m glad for you," he said, quite out of my expectation. "I just came from a board of directors meeting and it was seventy-five percent discouraging news. Some of that we can deal with. But much of it we can¨ t," he went on. "I wish you all the luck in the world," he con- cluded. "And if it doesn¨ t work out, remember, your star is always high here. " Then I went out of his office, walking through the newsroom for more good-byes. Everybody was saying congratulations. Everybody--even though I¨ d be risking all on an unfamiliar venture: all the financial security I had carefully built up. Later, I had a final talk with Bill Taylor, chairman and publisher of the Boston Globe. He had turned the Globe into a billion-dollar property. "I¨ m resigning, Bill," I said. He listened while I gave him the story. He wasn¨t looking angry or dismayed either. After a pause, he said, "Golly, I wish I were in your shoes. " 46. From the passage we know that the Globe is a famous [ A ] newspaper [ B ] magazine [ C ] temple [ D ] church 47. If the writer stayed with the Globe [ A ] he would be able to realize his lifetime dreams [ B ] he would let his long-cherished dreams fade away [ C ] he would never have to worry about his future life [ D ] he would never be allowed to develop his ambitions 48. The writer wanted to resign because [ A ] he had serious trouble with his boss [ B ] he got underpaid at his job for the Globe [ C ] he wanted to be engaged in the new media industry [ D ] he had found a better paid job in a publishing house 49. When the writer decided to resign, the Globe was faced with [ A ] a trouble, with its staff members [ B ] a shortage of qualified reporters [ C ] an unfavorable business situation [ D ] an uncontrollable business situation 50. By "I wish I were in your shoes. "( in the last paragraph ), Bill Taylor meant that [ A ] the writer was to fail [ B ] the writer was stupid [ C ] he would do the same if possible [ D ] he would reject the writer¨s request ⊃遮g猟 泌惚低屎蘢覚並秤(d─n)伉賜頁壓垢恬貧、W(xu└)I(y┬)嶄覚鞭广載寄議坐Γ低O嗤辛嬬鋒誼音挫。n]聞低o隈秘鋒低壓寛貧D(zhu┌n)郡(c┬)岷欺賠蛙r(sh┴)蛍嘉嬬鋒誼广X。佰躓r(sh┴)昨低旺音X誼娼舞┛l(f─)舞賠睨遇頁娼藤薦淳o隈哭俊仟匯爺議軼R。 除豚議(b┐o)貧侵鞠阻匯鐙材旋•愎鴬平議猟嫗}朕頁ゞ坐εc鋒蓄〃。愎鴬平J(r┬n)坐才鋒蓄音怎嗤岷俊議(li│n)狼。麿f此偉?c┬)淑n伉砒砒鋒誼祥埆富匆祥埆?j┤ng)]嗤k隈(du━)森n] ̄麿a(b┳)割f此鞍膵嬬孀欺聞徭失鋒(g┬)挫X議圭隈厘祥嬬嗤怎魑直薦盾Q厘議}。 ̄ 椎担梢捷焚担頁措挫議鋒蓄椿?冩梢燕苧隠隔宗慎俶勣議鋒蓄(sh┫)楚頁咀繁遇議。7弌r(sh┴)頁峠譲(sh┫)。隼遇綜繁音盾議頁决L(zh┌ng)鋒蓄r(sh┴)g掲徽音嬬繁娼舞┛l(f─)郡遇(hu━)哈軟^祐。愎鴬平J(r┬n)號念議(zh┳n)箙ぷ頁載嶷勣議。垢恬欺載絡議繁R鋒念(y┤ng)不不俚連匯和恂c(di┌n)嗤廁噐慧防議並辛參心心賜咄。壼蛙恂\(y┫n)(d┛ng)匆(hu━)聞繁壓附w貧才娼舞貧嗤藤攜。鋒念哉c(di┌n)創匆嗤廁噐鋒蓄徽音勣哉画賜色携咀?y┐n)號根嗤議色携咀?hu━)聞低o隈秘蓄。愎鴬平峺竃此郁P(gu─n)岻朔低祥鹿嶄娼舞慧防低議次扉。蛸蛸仇楉__兵慧防祥(hu━)音岑音X仇M(j━n)秘(m┬ng)l(xi─ng)阻 ̄ 基宛式盾裂 26.A‐盾裂/云}深臥~Z喜塘。toss and turn頁耕協喘隈燕幣^D(zhu┌n)郡(c┬) ̄。 27.D‐盾裂/深臥~Z喜塘。fall asleep吭蕁鞍詼 ̄頁耕協喘隈憲栽}吭。 28.C‐盾裂/云}深臥~Z掩裂才(du━)猟吭議尖盾。A(xi┐ng)relieve吭蕁pp芦凌 ̄B(xi┐ng)renew吭蕁飴(f┫)嶷秀 ̄c(xi┐ng)refresh吭蕁飴(f┫)娼薦 ̄D(xi┐ng)release吭蕁衣慧 ̄。功(j┫)}吭繁鋒X佰(y┤ng)X誼舞賠睨侭參xC。 29.B‐盾裂/緩}深臥~x掩裂。B(xi┐ng)unable吭蕁]嗤嬬薦議 ̄械cto喜塘繁恂麼Z。 30.C‐盾裂/緩}深臥~x掩裂才(du━)猟吭議尖盾。燕幣^猟嫗吉議(bi─o)}頁´ ̄匯違喘entitle藕牟喘隈。 31.D‐盾裂/緩}深臥~x掩裂。A(xi┐ng)imply吭蕁旭喫勝;B(xi┐ng)su9!gest;C(xi┐ng)propose譲蕁綾h ̄;峪嗤D(xi┐ng)indicate吭蕁葦軛苧_峺竃 ̄憲栽猟吭。 32.A‐盾裂/@戦議吭房頁^坐才髪窪鋒蓄嗤P(gu─n)狼 ̄。燕幣P(gu─n)狼議x1 (xi┐ng)頁A(xi┐ng)relate。 33.B‐盾裂/及匯粁厮(j┤ng)戻欺泌惚繁覚鞭載寄議坐祥鋒音挫^n]聞低o隈秘鋒 ̄。喇緩辛岑埆n]鋒議埆富the more/less´ the´頁耕協喜塘吭蕁惟宗埆´ ̄。 34.c‐盾裂/緩}深臥(du━)(x━)(ji└)議尖盾。@匯粁及匯鞘厮戻欺材旋鴬平議猟嫗v議頁坐εc鋒蓄議P(gu─n)狼念猟嶄竃F(xi┐n)阻stress and sleep功(j┫)緩(x━)(ji└)辛容牾緩(y┤ng)xC。 35.D‐盾裂/緩}深臥(du━)猟吭議尖盾。猟嶄緩ハ杯f^鴬平嗽a(b┳)割阻匯c(di┌n) ̄D(xi┐ng)add吭蕁委a(b┳)割 ̄。 36.B‐盾裂/@戦議吭房頁f峪嗤隠C挫議鋒蓄厘嘉嬬嗤娼薦肇盾Q侭n]議}緩ヨ元鎚波傍提w薦峪嗤B(xi┐ng)energy嗤緩吭。 37.A‐盾裂/緩}深臥~x掩裂。@戦峺議頁繁鋒蓄議(sh┫)楚光音猴vary才differ脅嗤^音揖 ̄議吭房。徽念宀(qi│ng){(di┐o)光塀光啜庁N議謹嗤垓朔宀(qi│ng){(di┐o)並麗云|(zh━)貧功云議音揖。 38.C‐盾裂/緩}深臥P(gu─n)(li│n)~議喘隈。緩メ睨縞杯f匯違繁(hu━)J(r┬n)號誼埆謹繁埆娼舞徽如如犒鋒謹阻(hu━)聞繁^黙@戦頁D(zhu┌n)孵議吭房侭參xC。 39.D‐盾裂/緩}深臥(du━)貧和猟議尖盾。緩鞘議吭房頁^鋒謹阻(hu━)聞繁^黙遇音頁厚紗w薦割宕 ̄勣x餘轗D(zhu┌n)孵議x(xi┐ng)。 40.B‐盾裂/緩}深臥~x掩裂。B(xi┐ng)break頁緩吭吭蕁斡歳殤◆;A(xi┐ng)pause吭蕁慰儘后;C(xi┐ng)vacation吭蕁絢抛據;D(xi┐ng)in-terruption吭蕁梓_ ̄。 41.B‐盾裂/緩}深臥(du━)猟吭議尖盾。early吭蕁惟舖腟悄院 42.C‐盾裂/緩}深臥~Z喜塘。physically and mentally頁険~玉Z議耕協喜塘燕幣^附伉仇 ̄。 43.B‐盾裂/画才色携咀根色携咀(hu━)聞^賠佰B(xi┐ng)awake吭蕁闇縊儺帖。 44.A‐盾裂/緩}深臥(d┛ng)~~M喜塘。put out吭蕁囲隋;put on吭蕁梓貧 ̄;put away吭蕁旭僉辺軟蹇;put off吭蕁依鈍t ̄。 45.C‐盾裂/@鞘議吭房頁^壓音岑音X嶄低祥鋒广阻 ̄軸壓低岑墻念祥厮秘鋒阻。 |