Reasons to Work
For most people in the world, work is necessary in order to survive. Without work they cannot support themselves and their families. But not everyone works just in order to survive. Some people work in order to help others, some for the respect and admiration their work brings them, and others for personal fulfillment and satisfaction.
People who work for charitable organizations usually do so because they want to help people in need. They may be volunteers, or they may be given a small stipend for their work, but whatever monetary benefit they receive, it is not as important as the fact that they have made a difference in someone else’s life. Another reason some people work is because they enjoy the respect and esteem of others. Politicians are a good example. Of course, they often make a handsome salary, but in most cases, they could make more in a career in the private sector than in government. Other careers, such as that of an artist or musician, attract people who find their work personally fulfilling no matter what the monetary reward.
Although earning a living is a very important reason to work, and is probably the most common one, it is not the only reason. People may work for all kinds of reasons, including those described above or a combination of them. Whatever a person’s reason for doing the work he does, he should be respected for his commitment and good work.