本周三上午,君誠學校舉行了傳統(tǒng)的開放日。盡管天氣寒冷,依然阻擋不了家長們探校的熱情。在招生老師的帶領下,家長們首先參觀了學校,深入各學部了解孩子們上課的情況。隨后進行了校長“面對面“講座,由陳曉民總校長和Dan外方校長為家長們詳細講述了君誠的辦學理念、師資團隊和課程設置,也解答了家長們的一些顧慮。會后,大部分家長都預約了入學測試,準備辦理入學。 為方便更多的家長了解學校,君誠學校目前每周三上午9:30-12:00都設有開放日活動,并且都設置了校長面對面講座的環(huán)節(jié)。感興趣的家長可以撥打招生辦公室電話010-80490307進行咨詢和預約,誠邀您與我們的管理團隊見面。
This Wednesday, SIBS held the traditional open day. At the beginning, Parents visited the school, enter into all the teaching departments in order to obtain an elaborate understanding about their children's learning conditions here, after that attended the principal "face-to-face"lecture given by Principal Chen and Foreign Principal Dan, they elaborately demonstrated SIBS philosophy of running a school, teacher team and curriculum structure to parents. After the meeting, most parents made an appointment for the test and are ready to enroll.
In order to build a platform for teachers' professional work communication and learning, improve the level of teaching, and give full play to the leading and demonstration role of excellent teachers in teaching,the elementary school, led by academic office, held a two-week demonstration class for Chinese teachers to observe teaching and research activities. In the process of demonstration teaching, the teachers are full of energy and confidence, showing a high level of teaching and unique classroom teaching style, reflecting their own teaching characteristics. This activity is also part of the evaluation of teaching effectiveness program advocated by SIBS since the implementation of international baccalaureate (IB).
本次家長咖啡日的主要內容是,與家長討論現(xiàn)代技術在教育中的應用。首先中學部Paul校長向各位家長介紹了什么是BYOL(Bring Your Own Laptop),實施BYOL便于學生查詢學習相關資料、提高他們的查找技能,有助于他們以后更好的適應信息化社會。對于家長的一些疑問,例如:是否自帶筆記本電腦會影響到孩子的學習?課堂中孩子們使用電腦的頻率是怎樣的?會不會減少老師與孩子的面對面教育等? Dan校、Paul校、Mark校和Ken Brady老師對此一一解答。他們表示電腦不能替代老師,只是作為教學工具之一,在課堂上的使用時間最多只占教學時長的30%,學校會使用過濾器過濾掉無用信息、廣告等,同時家長也有權選擇不參加BYOL。
The main content of this parents coffee day is to discuss with parents the application of modern technology in education. First of all, principal Paul of the middle school introduced to parents what is BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop). The implementation of BYOL makes it easier for students to search and learn relevant materials, improve their search skills, and help them better adapt to the information society in the future. Some questions raised by parents, such as: whether to bring a laptop will affect the child's learning? How often do children use computers in class? Will there beless face-to-face education between teachers and children? Principal Dan, MS principal Paul , ES principal Mark and teacher Ken Brady answered this question one by one. They say computers are not a substitute for teachers, but only ateaching tool that can be used in classes for up to 30 percent of the teaching time. Schools use filters to filter out unwanted information and advertisements, and parents have the right to opt out of BYOL.
本周,君誠學校迎來了一位老朋友——周惠怡同學。周惠怡現(xiàn)在在美國加州的老牌公立高中Torrey Pines High School(該校位列加州2000多所公立高中前十,圣地亞哥地區(qū)第二)學習,她之前6-8年級都在君誠上學,這次趁著假期回到君誠,就是專程和同學們分享自己的心得體會。周惠怡首先介紹了自己和現(xiàn)在所在TPHS的學術、活動、課程、環(huán)境等。同時也告訴大家,通過在君誠的努力學習使她順利進入美高。她表示君誠在MAP測試、英文閱讀、數(shù)學課和課外活動等方面對她銜接美高課程的幫助很大,鼓勵同學們能多參與自己感興趣的比賽和活動,多學習,拓展視野、認識更多的人。最后在自由提問環(huán)節(jié)周惠怡也對同學們提出的疑問一一做了回答。
This week, SIBS welcomed an old friend——Zhou huiyi. Zhou huiyi is now studying at Torrey Pines High School, an old public High School in California (ranked among the top 10 of more than 2000 public High schools in California, and top 2 in the San Diego area). She studied in SIBS from grade 6 to grade 8 and she had been looking forward to come back to SIBS to share her experience with SIBS students during her holiday.
Zhou huiyi firstly introduced herself and the academic, activities, courses and environment of TPHS. At the same time,she also told everyone that she smoothly entered into the United States high school because of the hard-working in SIBS . She said that SIBS has helped hera lot in MAP test, English reading, math class and extra curricular activities, encouraging students to participate in more games and activities they are interested in, learn more, expand their horizons and meet more people. At last, Zhou huiyi patiently answered the questions raised by the students.
在化學實驗室里,孫老師帶領學生運用生活中常見的一些材料,如:醋、小蘇打、脫脂牛奶等來制作膠水。首先,我們需要將醋倒入牛奶中混合攪拌,然后加熱,接下來用紗布過濾混合物,再往里加入小蘇打和少量水,使其充分攪拌融合,這樣膠水就完成了。 在整個實驗過程中會培養(yǎng)到學生以下幾個方面:1、 學習正確、安全的進行操作。2、 培養(yǎng)他們的觀察能力,如:觀察物質狀態(tài)的改變、顏色的變化、氣體生成等。3、 培養(yǎng)學生的探究能力,如:是什么影響過濾速度?如何更快的過濾?如何判斷反應用量?如何做出更粘的膠水等?4、 理解原理,即實驗操作的每一步目的是什么?最后同學們會對膠水的粘性進行測量,通過實驗,引起興趣,體會化學反應的奇妙。
In the chemistry lab, teacher Sun led the students to make glue by using common materials in life, such as vinegar, baking soda and skim milk. Firstly, we need to pour the vinegar into the milk and stir it, then heat it up, then filter the mixture with gauze, then add the baking soda and a little water, stir it in, and the glue is done.
Students will be cultivated in the following aspects during the whole experiment:
1. Learn to operate correctly and safely.
2. Cultivate their observation ability, such as observing the change of material state, color change, gas generation,etc.
3. Cultivate students' exploration ability, such as: what affects the filtration speed? How to filter faster? How to judge the reaction dosage? How to make more sticky glue and so on?
4. What is the purpose of each step of the experimental operation?
Finally, students measured the viscosity of the glue, through the experiment, it arouse students’ interests to experience the wonder of chemical reaction.
隨著一聲哨響,兩位球員以騰空而起的爭球拉開了師生籃球對抗賽的序幕。本次比賽分為教師隊和學生隊,教師隊共計10人,包括經(jīng)驗豐富的Dan校長、遲健老師、陳昊老師和Aitor Zaldibar老師等。學生隊共計9人,隊長為11年級的林瀟凱同學。兩隊剛一開始就展示了不俗的實力,開始了激烈的對攻,比分不相上下,場下歡呼聲此起彼伏。師生們充分發(fā)揚“友誼、比賽第二”的體育精神,既有人盯人的嚴密防守,又有激烈對抗后的會心一笑,不時贏得場下陣陣熱烈掌聲。 此次籃球賽為中學部學生會策劃,加強了師生之間的交流和溝通,提高了學生籃球隊員的競技水平。最終教師隊以53比38贏得了比賽。
With a whistle, the two players kicked off the student-teacher basketball match by flying for the ball. The competition was divided into teacher team and student team. The teacher team consisted of 10 people, including experienced principal Dan, teacher Chi Jian, teacher Chen Hao and teacher Aitor Zaldibar. There are 9 people in the student team, led by Lin Xiaokai from grade 11. The two teams just began to show the strength of good, began a fierce attack, the score is almost even, cheers is full of the field. Teachers and students gave full play to the the spirit of sports, "friendship first, competition second", not only someone marking the tight defense, but also the smile after a fierce confrontation, from time to time, they won the field bursts of warm applause.
This basketball game is planned by the students' council of MS, which strengthens the communication between teachers and students and improves the competitive level of students' basketball players. In the end, the teacher's team won the game by 53-38.
Thanksgiving Day is an ancient holiday in the United States. It is a time for family and friends to come together to share their gratitude and enjoy feast. In SIBS preschool, learning to be grateful plays an important role in the development of children's character. We also play games to let children feel empathy. The children will be smear full of paint small handprints on the rice paper, as the feathers of the Turkey, cut out the head of the Turkey, paste in the rice paper, paste eyes and mouth, then the beautiful Turkey is ready!
臨近期末,為了方便家長提前安排假期計劃。特在此通知各位家長學校近期的各項安排:1. 圣誕假期:12 月 21 日-1 月 5 日,1 月 6 日學生返校上課。2. 春節(jié)假期:1 月 17 日-2 月 2 日,2 月 3 日學生返校上課。(1 月 17 日 教師培訓日,學生放假)。3. 課外課:本學期課外課將于12月12日結束,12 月13日開始放學時間為 15:30,請各位家長準時來校接孩子。下學期課外課選課另行通知。4. 中國年:1 月 16 日全校師生共慶中國年。5. 數(shù)學競賽:1 月 15 日北美馴鹿數(shù)學競賽。