




    1)Monitor the movement of goods on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo. 如由收貨人控制貨物,貨運代理人應替收貨人監(jiān)控貨物的運輸。

    2)Receive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods. 接受并審查所有與貨物運輸有關的單證。

    注釋:relating to: 與……有關

    3)Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight costs. 從承運人手中接收貨物,如需還要支付的運費。

    注釋:take delivery of 接收,收到(與delivery詞義相反); freight cost: 運費

    4)Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities. 安排貨物的清關,并向海關和政府當局支付關稅,手續(xù)費及其他費用。

    注釋:duty: 稅,稅收; public authority: 政府當局

    5)Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary. 如需,安排中轉倉庫。

    6)Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee. 將清關后的貨物交付給收貨人。

    注釋:cleared goods: 清關后的貨物。ǜ鶕(jù)前文 arrange customs clearance, 所以這里的意思是辦理完清關手續(xù)的貨物,而不是干凈的貨物)

    7)Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them. 如果有必要的話,協(xié)助收貨人向承運人就貨物的丟失或者任何損害提出賠償。

    8)Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution. 如果需要,協(xié)助收貨人安排貨物的倉儲及派送。

    注釋:distribution: 分發(fā),派送


    1)Which of the following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the consignee . (2005年多選題)

    A. Taking delivery of the goods from the carrier

    B. Packing the goods for export

    C. Arranging export customs clearance

    D. Arranging import customs clearance





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