又到了一年考研復(fù)習(xí)最繁忙的時(shí)候了,無數(shù)學(xué)員咨詢我究竟該用什么輔導(dǎo)教材比較合適,這個(gè)問題既好回答,又難回答,都是因?yàn)榭佳杏⒄Z的輔導(dǎo)材料在市面上五花八門,種類繁多。但以筆者在新東方教授多年考研英語的經(jīng)驗(yàn),以及無數(shù)學(xué)員高分和過線的事實(shí)積累來看,真題無疑是最權(quán)威,甚至從某個(gè)角度來說,是唯一的參考材料。在沒有將真題研究透徹的情況下,去做所謂的模擬題,是沒有任何效果,甚至南轅北轍的。所以,將考研英語的真題仔細(xì)的研究,就變成了復(fù)習(xí)考研英語的至關(guān)重要的環(huán)節(jié)。 由于廣大學(xué)員在復(fù)習(xí)時(shí),自身經(jīng)驗(yàn)和能力存在相應(yīng)差距,不能“完美”的破譯真題,筆者現(xiàn)將多年授課中核心精華知識點(diǎn)、考點(diǎn)加以整理,形成文字,以期能助廣大學(xué)員在考研復(fù)習(xí)時(shí)如虎添翼! 系列(一) 閱讀理解常見錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)特征 “錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)”一定是大家最為痛恨的四個(gè)字。讓無數(shù)的學(xué)員一次又一次為之拜倒。但是在大家狂罵錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)無恥和出題人刁鉆的時(shí)候,是不是忽視了一個(gè)很重要的問題就是:錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)其實(shí)也是有必然的錯(cuò)的規(guī)律的,考研英語考了幾十年,每年十五個(gè)錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng),其實(shí),出題人不論換過多少人,從測試學(xué)的角度來看,能夠用來出錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)的“花招”早就“黔驢技窮”了,因此如果我們把錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)的命制規(guī)律深刻的研究了,就不會再怨天尤人了。 (一)與原文沖突 選項(xiàng)與原文表述內(nèi)容不一致,是錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)最常見的錯(cuò)誤方式,但是若是把原文做最細(xì)微的改動,許多同學(xué)就很難發(fā)現(xiàn),而這些細(xì)微的改動主要就是一些核心動詞和形容詞,希望大家引起重視。 00年#1(A) (A)it had made painstaking efforts towards this goal. 與文章首句 A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap ,but , if properly handled, it may become a driving force.相反。 06年#39(C) (C)misery should be enjoyed rather than denied. 原文最后一段提到:Today , surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need art to tell us , as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. 顯然兩處陰影處是沖突的。 07年#24(C) (C)the role of talent tends to be overlooked. 與原文最后一段:Their work makes a rather startling assertion : the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. 沖突。 (二)包含無關(guān)內(nèi)容 原文是我們做出正確答案的唯一依據(jù),正確選項(xiàng)的設(shè)置方式也常表現(xiàn)為將原文同義改寫。錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)也正是利用了這個(gè)特征,在改寫的同時(shí),添加了一些原文并未出現(xiàn)的內(nèi)容,使得選項(xiàng)具備強(qiáng)干擾性。 00年#1(D) (D)the unparalleled size of its workforce had given an impetus to its economy 00年#2(C) (C)machine-tool industry had collapsed after suicidal actions. 00年#3 (C) (C)The revival of the economy depends on international cooperation. 02年#48 (B) (B)interact with human beings verbally. 上述選項(xiàng)標(biāo)注部分都是添加了原文當(dāng)中沒有出現(xiàn)過的內(nèi)容,而且也不是原文相應(yīng)內(nèi)容的統(tǒng)一改寫。 (三)答非所問+照抄原文 這類錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)是考生常見,也是常犯錯(cuò)誤的設(shè)置方式。具體表現(xiàn)為將原文當(dāng)中出現(xiàn)的原話,但是不能回答題干的內(nèi)容設(shè)置出來以迷惑考生。對于那些僵化的理解“正確選項(xiàng)為原文的同意改寫”的同學(xué),極具殺傷力! 02年#48(A) (A) fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery. 原文第二段最后一句話為:….there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimeter accuracy…. 盡管此選項(xiàng)與原文內(nèi)容一致,但并不能回答題目所提出的問題(According to the text ,what is beyond man’s ability now is to design a robot that can__問題是想問一個(gè)超出機(jī)器人能力范圍的內(nèi)容。),所以仍舊為錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)。 03年#41(A)(C) (A) receive support from fans like Donovan (C) restored many common pastimes 這兩個(gè)選項(xiàng)雖然也是原文第一段提到過的原話,但是并不是題目所提問的目的,在之前的篇章講過,所有的題目,話題都要和主題相關(guān)都是為主題服務(wù)的。這篇文章的主題為“網(wǎng)路間諜”。因此,正確選項(xiàng)一定要選和主題相關(guān)的“(B)remolded the intelligence services” 03年#56(B) (B)Americas enjoy a higher life quality than ever before. 此選項(xiàng)也是文章第一段原話“Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I entered medicine 50 years ago.”的改寫。但是還是之前講過的邏輯思路,所有的題目都要為主題服務(wù),不能就著原話本身的含義來選。本文主題是對美國的醫(yī)療過度投資的負(fù)評價(jià),因此全文第一句話的目的一定是為此主題服務(wù)的,因此(C)Americans are over-confident of their medical technology. 是必然正確的,因?yàn)閛ver-confident 是明顯的負(fù)評價(jià)詞。 06年#24 (A)(C) (A)To prove their popularity around the world. (C) To give examples of successful immigrants. 這兩個(gè)選項(xiàng)盡管都屬于文章所傳遞的信息,但是并不能回答提名的問題,題目是典型的舉例證明題(why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph2?),題目就是要我們選一個(gè)能夠說明主題的選項(xiàng),即,同化文化的成功影響力!因此 選擇(B) (四)錯(cuò)誤比較 經(jīng)過對于真題的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),比較級的內(nèi)容在文章當(dāng)中出現(xiàn),經(jīng)常作為考點(diǎn),而到了選項(xiàng)當(dāng)中出現(xiàn),卻常作為強(qiáng)干擾選項(xiàng),主要表現(xiàn)為:添加了原文沒有的比較內(nèi)容;與原文比較的內(nèi)容或方向不一致。因此在選擇當(dāng)中的比較級,大家要特別關(guān)注。 00年#1(B) (B) its domestic market was eight times lager than before. 原文:When United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight times larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. 兩處比較級顯然不一致。 01年#55(A) (A)getting worse because of the Internet.文章當(dāng)中無此比較內(nèi)容。 05年#30(D) (D) both of them have turned form bad to worse. 文章當(dāng)中沒有此比較級。 06年#32(D) (D)the number of large predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old. 原文:第二段最后兩句:According to their latest paper published in Nature , the biomass of large predators. In a new fishery is reduced on average by 80% within 15 years of the start of exploitation. In some long-fished areas , it has halved again since then. 這兩句話只是比較了下降數(shù)量多少,而不是如(D)中所表述的“快慢” 06年#36(A) (A)poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music.原文當(dāng)中無此比較。 (五)修飾詞程度不匹配 為何有些錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)歷年的考生都會去選擇?表明這種選項(xiàng)一定是強(qiáng)干擾項(xiàng),如何設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)強(qiáng)干擾項(xiàng)?就是讓它離正確選項(xiàng)最近,改動最!因此,最常見的方式就是在中心詞前面的修飾詞做文章,請廣大學(xué)員一定注意此類選項(xiàng),具體設(shè)置方式通常為:“名詞前的動詞;動詞,形容詞前的副詞程度與原文不一致” 01年#56 (C) (C)can soon wipe out world poverty (原文當(dāng)中沒有此修飾詞) 02年#56(C) (C)the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide (原文當(dāng)中沒有此修飾詞) 03年#53(B) (B)there will soon be only one railroad company nationwide (原文當(dāng)中沒有此修飾詞) 08年#37(A) (A)DNA technology has been widely applied to history research. (原文當(dāng)中沒有此修飾詞) (六)移花接木 所謂“移花接木”即是把文章出現(xiàn)的兩處沒有任何關(guān)系的內(nèi)容連接到一起,形成一個(gè)看上去很像原文內(nèi)容的選項(xiàng),這種選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤很隱蔽,尤其是對于那些本身就靠“朦朧法”做題的考生來說,是很具有干擾性的。 01年#65(B) (B) WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costs. 文章當(dāng)中有兩處提到上述內(nèi)容,但是并不是一句話內(nèi),而是分開的不同內(nèi)容提到的。第一處第四段首句 Examples of be benefits or costs of the current concentration wave are scanty. 第二處為該段 The mergers of telecom companies,such as WorldCom, hardly seem to bring higher prices for consumers or a reduction in the pace of technical progress. 這兩句話沒有任何的關(guān)系,選擇僅僅是把兩句話提到的內(nèi)容安排到了一起。 05年#25(D) (D)Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild. 原文第四段為:In the wild, they are a cooperative, group-living species. such cooperation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. 選項(xiàng)顯然是將兩處內(nèi)容連接到了一起的。 01年#55(D) (D)consider positive today. 原文第一段最后為: What was less visible then, however, were the new , positive forces that work against the digital divide.也就是答案將原文當(dāng)中沒有出現(xiàn)在一起的, Digital divide ;positive forces 連在一起了。 (七)非直接等價(jià) 所謂非直接等價(jià)就是將并不是因果關(guān)系的兩個(gè)原文出現(xiàn)的內(nèi)容連接到了一起,造成都是原文內(nèi)容的假象,但原文當(dāng)中并沒有類似因果關(guān)系。 05年#33(B) (B)develop into happy dreams. 原文當(dāng)中是第三段有類似表述:Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. 也就是說原文意思是 negative feelings 在睡眠早期變成 bad dreams, bad dreams 演變成 happier ones. 若選(B)會演變成 negative feelings generated during the day tend to develop into happy dreams.顯然與原文不符。 07年#39 (D) (D)appreciate the economic value of trust. 原文第四段 surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust, that most valuable of economic asset, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore-and that few things are more likely to destroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the wrong hands. (D) 選項(xiàng)并不是 提干所提問的(According to Paragraph 4 what puzzles the author is that some bosses fail to)內(nèi)容,而只是原文中 that 的定語成分。不構(gòu)成因果關(guān)系,所以不能選。 (八)時(shí)態(tài)變化 廣大學(xué)員看到考研沒有了專門的語法題,確實(shí)高興了一陣,但是語法這個(gè)項(xiàng)目,尤其是時(shí)態(tài)的變化,會在閱讀當(dāng)中得到考察,因此關(guān)注選項(xiàng)的時(shí)態(tài)是否與原文一致,就成為我們分辨錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)的一個(gè)重要的突破點(diǎn)。具體范例如下: 00年#2(B) (B)semiconductor industry had been taken over by foreign enterprises. 原文第二段最后一句原話為: For a while it looked as though(看上去好像) the making of semiconductors , which America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age , was going to(將要成為) be he next casualty. 答案與原文時(shí)態(tài)顯然不符合。 03年#44(A) (A)Straitford’s prediction about Ukraine has proved true. 原文第四段原話為: As soon as (一……就……表示還未發(fā)生)that report runs, we’ll suddenly get 500 new internet sign-ups from Ukraine…. 顯然答案時(shí)態(tài)與原文不符合。 以上八種錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)是十分有代表性的設(shè)置方式,也幾乎囊括了所有的錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)的設(shè)置邏輯,請學(xué)員仔細(xì)研究,并加以利用,不要再犯類似的錯(cuò)誤。 |
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【責(zé)任編輯:育路編輯 糾錯(cuò)】 |
閱讀下一篇:2011年考研英語翻譯制勝之道:做!翻譯! |
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考試時(shí)間:2010年1月10日、11日初試,3月試復(fù)試。 |
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