1. Others resent the prospect of being “put on the scrap heap” and seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of satisfaction or income that employment provided.
2. You can almost put it down as a general rule in this town that presidents often invite “honest criticism” from their aides.
3. He has often counseled the president on the formulation of crucial decisions in domestic and foreign affairs.
4. He maintained that it would be a mistake to discuss the things in the bilateral talk which involved others and it would fail unless it was taken properly in hand.
5. We could do with a few original, creative men in our political life——if only to create some enthusiasm, release some energy——but where are they?
6. There can be no doubt that the policy has its disadvantages as well as its advantages. It emphasizes order and stability, which is essential to a nation, but sometimes at the expense of what may be brought to be justice and democratic.
7. But the serious listener demands something more than animal noises to sustain his participation through three quarters of an hour (and he may complain, after some of these programmers, that high spirits and common sense are not enough to keep him going).
8. At present is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof.
9. The explanation, I believe, is that they are more proud of than frightened by the gadgets of mass destruction.
10. Perhaps I do have a social conscience. There is more than one way of demonstrating it.
11. This movement has as much to do with Confucian tradition as does a thirst for democracy and free enterprise.
12. And low costs by themselves cannot guarantee global competitiveness in a world of increasingly choosy customers who often care as much about quality, style, service as they do about price.
13. What really enthuses the city, however, is not so much the tourist revenue as input of know how in advanced electronics that Disneyland would bring.
14. The argument among the leaders is not so much over whether to continue with reform but over the speed of the process.
15. Emerging from the enforced silence of a prison cell, he arrived in the US more as a symbol of courage and hope than as a politician with well-known positions.
16. Hitler’s mistake gave Roosevelt the victory; just as at waterloo it was less Wellington who won than Napoleon who lost.
17. It was a curious exchange, less a debate than a quarrel between two aggressive men, each of them determined to impress the audience as more peaceful than the other.
1. 另一些人看到自己要被拋到“廢物堆里”就大為忿怒,他們沒法另找出路來發(fā)泄他們的精力,繼續(xù)工作以得到人生的滿足或生活的收入。
2. 你幾乎可以把這一點看成是首都的一種慣例,歷屆總統(tǒng)都經(jīng)常請他們的助手提出直率的批評。
3. 他在總統(tǒng)制訂國內(nèi)外事務重大決策的過程中,常參與意見。
4. 他認為在雙邊會談上討論其他國家的問題是錯誤的,而且這個會談很可能會失敗,除非大家認真人對待正在進行的會談。
5. 在政治生活中,我們需要一些有創(chuàng)見和有創(chuàng)造力的人,即使僅僅為了掀起一點熱情,發(fā)泄一點精力也好,但他們在那兒?
6. 毫無疑問這項政策有利也有弊。它強調(diào)秩序和穩(wěn)定,這對一個國家來說絕對需要,但有時也會犧牲正義和民主為代價。
7. 但是認真的聽眾要堅持參加完三刻的節(jié)目,需要的不僅僅是動物的噪音。
8. 目前,這種觀點已被普遍接受,雖然它只是不言而喻的,而不是依據(jù)科學嚴密推理所證明的。
9. 我認為能夠解釋的事就是他們對大規(guī)模的毀滅性武器與其說有一種害怕的心理,不如說有一種自豪感。
10. 或許我確實有一種社會責任感,而顯示它不止有一種方法。
11. 這場運動不僅與人們要求民主和自由經(jīng)營有關,也與儒家的傳統(tǒng)有關。
12. 商品成本低本身并不能保證它在世界上的競爭力,F(xiàn)在的顧客越來越挑剔,他不僅注意商品的價格,而且對商品的質(zhì)量、式樣、售后服務也同樣重視。
13. 然而真正使這個城市感興趣的是迪尼斯樂園建成后引進的先進電子技術,而不是它所帶來的旅游收入。
14. 領導人之間的這種爭論并不在于改革是否要繼續(xù),而在于改革進程的快慢。
15. 曾身陷囹圄,被剝奪言論自由的他而今東山再起。他幾次抵美訪問所展現(xiàn)的形象,與其說是一位立場信念家喻戶曉的政治家,倒不如說是一個勇氣和希望兩者合一的象征。
16. 希特勒犯下的錯誤使羅斯福取得了勝利。正如在滑鐵盧戰(zhàn)場上,與其說是威靈頓戰(zhàn)勝了,不如說是拿破侖戰(zhàn)敗了。
17. 這是一次奇妙的交鋒,與其說是兩個好斗的人之間的一場辯論,不如說是一次吵嘴,雙方竭力想使聽眾覺得自己比對方更愛和平。
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