Rather make to A. (1) than for a single job B. Others stick (2) work C. many young people ha (3)career plan……
如果目前階段您翻譯整段的文章還比較難的話,那就先從翻譯簡短的句子開始積累吧! ranslation (5 minutes) Direction……
如果目前階段您翻譯整段的文章還比較難的話,那就先從翻譯簡短的句子開始積累吧。 Translation (5 minutes) Direction……
Have you ever simply wanted to give without expecting anything in return? It’s __1___ to do. Most look for a r……
In a few years, you might be able to speak Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, and English—and all at the same ……
1. Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners. A. bad B. polite C. similar D. usual 2. Patricia stare……
英譯漢: Pollution is a problem because man, in an increasingly populated and industrialized world, is upsetting ……
Directions: Write at least 150 words about the topic: Should Retirement Age Be Postponed? You should write accordin……
The structure of a family takes different forms around the world and even in the same society. The family's form cha……
Every country has its own culture. Even though each country uses doors, doors may have ___1___ functions and purp……
口語交際:Section B A. Vitamin D is essential for the growth of bones and teeth and is found in fish, liver, oil ……
英譯漢: One thing that determines our enjoyment in life is mood. Mood changes from day to day, moment to moment.……
Directions: In this part, you are to write an essay of about 150 words within 30 minutes about the topic: Online Edu……
1. Germany has seemed willing to ______ the French preference for an intergovernmental “Euro pe des patries(歐……
A. looks very pretty B. show me the black one C. buy a gift for my sister Assistant: Good morning. What can……
As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of ru……
英譯漢: Keeping a busy social life amongst lots of friends may keep people slimmer than spending hours on a trea……