
少兒英語童話故事--The Banana Tree 香蕉樹


    The Banana Tree 香蕉樹


    Once upon a time there was a single banana tree in the jungle. Two bunches of bananas were on the banana tree. There were three children from a village. They were watching the bananas grow. There were four monkeys from the jungle. They were watching the bananas grow. The children looked at the bananas at five o‘clock in the afternoon everyday. The monkeys looked at the bananas at six o’clock in the morning everyday. The three children and the four monkeys were very excited.Soon the bananas would be ready to eat. All seven of them wanted to eat the bananas. One evening the children ran to the banana tree.There were eight colorful butterflies sitting on the bananas. The bananas were almost yellow."Let‘s eat the bananas now.""No,they are not ripe."


    The next morning the monkeys looked at the bananas. There were nine drops of dew sparkling on the bananas. The three children ran to the bananas tree for breakfast. The four monkeys swung from tree to tree to get to the banana tree.It was 10 o‘clock.The monkeys and children wanted bananas for breakfast. The children were very upset to see the monkeys. The monkeys were very upset to see the children. The children were very afraid that the monkeys would take all of the bananas.The monkeys were afraid that the children would take all of the bananas. The children were very hungry.They were also very tired. The monkeys were very hungry.They were also very tired. The children were too tired to throw stones. The monkeys were too tired to throw sticks."I’m so hungry.""Me too."


    "Let‘s share the bananas with the monkeys."


    "OK!Let‘s share the bananas with the monkeys."


    The monkeys and the children enjoyed their breakfast. They also learned that sharing is better than fighting.



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