


來源:來源于網絡 時間:2009-11-20 09:58:54

  1 allow

  allow 承認admit

  We must allow that he is right on this matter

  2 address

  address vt 處理 To deal with:

  addressed the issue of absenteeism. 處理曠工事宜

  3 advantage

  take advantage of 欺騙(deceive) 對……加以利用

  took advantage of the customer. 欺騙消費者

  4 appreciate

  appreciate v.意識到 (realize) 抬高…價格、漲價

  I appreciate that I maybe wrong.

  This land has appreciated in value.


  5 apprehension

  apprehension 憂慮、擔心;逮捕、理解

  The student looked around the examination room with apprehension.


  6 apprehensive

  apprehensive 理解的 不安的,憂慮的 (意思和用法等同于afraid)

  apprehensive for sb.'s safety


  7 approach

  approach 著手 To begin to deal with or work on:

  approached the task with dread.


  8 arch

  arch adj 調皮的,頑皮的 n.弓形

  an arch smile 調皮的微笑

  He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture.

  9 argument

  argument 論點,論據

  10 as

  not so much...as"表示"與其說是……倒不如說"。否定前者肯定后者

  1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter.

  2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius asbecause of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool. (摘自真題)

  It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby).

  11 assume

  assume 承擔,假裝,假定,設想,

  assume an obligation 承擔義務

  12 balance

  balance sheet 資產負債表

  13 balance

  balance 余額

  Something that is left over; a remainder.


  14 bottle

  bottle up 裝入瓶中控制 (抑制)To hold in; restrain:

  bottled up my emotions.

  15 cater

  cater 食物,投合(cater for)

  catering 公共飲食 catering industry 公共飲食業(yè)

  Most of our work now involves catering for weddings.

  16 check

  check 控制 阻礙 The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint:

  kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.


  17 chest

  chest 箱子

  trunk 箱子、象鼻子

  18 claim

  claim 索賠

  The sum of money demanded. 賠款:要求得到的金額

  You can make a claim on your insurance policy.

  19 compound

  compound n.集中營、圍欄隔開或保圍的建筑物或建筑群、化合物

  21 compromise

  compromise 危害 妥協(xié)

  A concession to something detrimental or pejorative:


  Such conduct will compromise your reputation.


  22 contain

  contain v. 制服(To halt the spread or development of)

  The man was later contained by the police.

  23 context

  social context 社會大環(huán)境

  24 control

  control (科技)對照(實驗)

  controlled experiment

  25 controller

  controller 大企業(yè)的會計

  26 couch

  couch vt.表達(express),隱含 n. 躺椅

  The reply was couched in insolent terms.


  27 count

  count n&v



  there are 10 people in classroom counting 2 teachers

  3控訴的罪 The prison was found not guilty on all counts

  4以為,視為 She was counted among the greatest dancers

  5 有價值 It is not how much you read but what you read that counts


  6 count for 有價值 To have a specified importance or value:

  Their opinions count for little. Each basket counts for two points.


  7 count on 信任 rely on,depend on

  28 crack

  crack down vi 制裁,To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain

  The police cracked down on speeding. 警察取締超速行車

  The government cracked down on violators. 政府對于違法者采取嚴厲手段。

  29 cream

  cream 精華 The choicest part

  30 crook

  crook 小偷,鉤子 =thief

  That salesman is a real crook.

  31 cultivate

  cultivate sb. 結識某人

  He always tried to cultivate famous people

  32 custom

  custom n 海關,關稅

  33 damages

  damages 賠償金(復數(shù))=compensation

  34 deposit

  deposit 押金 定金

  eft a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.


  35 desert

  desert vt拋棄,沙漠 deserter 叛離者,逃兵,

  She was deserted by her husband.

 36 dictate

  dictate n. 指示(指理智,變心) 指導原則A guiding principle

  followed the dictates of my conscience.


  37 digest

  digest 忍受To endure or bear patiently.

  I can't digest her endless complaint noise a moment longer.


  38 discipline

  discipline 學科,紀律

  The new recruits were drawn from a range of academic disciplines.

  39 element

  the elements 天氣(一定是復數(shù)形式)

  The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.


  40 embarrass

  embarrass 阻礙(embar v.囚禁, 阻遏)To hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede.

  What embarrasses your making an early start?


  41 even

  even n. adj 偶數(shù) (奇數(shù)odd)

  42 exclusive

  exclusive n.獨家新聞,專賣店里的商品,adj.排他的,唯一的

  A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster.


  An exclusive right or privilege, as to market a product.


  We feature an exclusive on the mothers whose babies were swapped at birth.

  43 express

  express adj. 急速的,快捷的

  44 fare

  fare v 生活=live n費用

  Panda cub fares well!


  45 fitting

  fitting n.配件 adi.適宜的

  46 fumble

  fumble v 摸索(grope fro) v 失球 To mishandle (a ground ball).

  fumble for a key. 摸索著找鑰匙

  A ball that has been fumbled.

  47 gravity

  gravity n.重大的后果;嚴重或重大

  They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.


  48 ground

  ground 根據,論據(常用復數(shù))

  Often grounds The foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis.

  常作 grounds 根據:爭論,信仰或行動的基礎;依據

  Often grounds The underlying condition prompting an action; a cause:

  常作 grounds 理由,原因:促使采取行動的根本條件;原由:

  grounds for suspicion; a ground for divorce. See Synonyms at base 1

  懷疑的原因;離婚的理由參見 base1 49 harbor

  harbor (harbour海港的變體) 窩藏To give shelter to

  harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive. 收留難民;窩藏逃犯

  50 husband

  husband 節(jié)省(economize),節(jié)儉,保存,管理

  husband one's energy. 保存體力

  to husband one's resources 節(jié)約使用資金

  51 impart


  To grant a share of; bestow: 分給;授予:給予某物的一部分;贈予:

  impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice. 加少許調料;給予一些建議

  To make known; disclose: 告知;透露:

  persuaded to impart the secret. 勸說透露秘密

  52 inspire

  inspire 吸入,鼓舞 (inspirator 注射器)

  To draw in (air) by inhaling. 吸入空氣

  53 issue

  issue n 結果(A final result) vi 造成...結果

  issue from 由于...的原因(用法和result一樣)

  His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience.

  issue in 結果是,以…結束

  The accident issued in his death.


  54 kite

  kite n. 風箏, 空頭支票 vi.使用空頭支票 vt. 騙錢

  A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used

  temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.


  55 lead

  lead adj 主要的

  lead role 主要作用,lead guitar 首席吉他手

  56 measure

  measure up to = live up to 符合, 達到, 夠得上

  57 metro

  metro 地鐵 an underground train system, especially the one in Paris

  58 might

  might as well 倒不如

  There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed.


  59 might

  might n. 力量,權威

  I pushed the rock with all my might.

  60 minor

  minor n. 未成年人, adj.未成年的

  61 novel

  novel adj. 新穎的

  Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used

  to it.

  62 obscure

  obscure 不出名的

  an obscure poet; an obscure family.


  63 odd

  odd 不出名的, 偏僻的:偏遠的;位置偏僻的

  Found the antique shop in an odd corner of town.


  64 odd

  odd job 臨時工作

  65 off

  better off (尤指錢)達到某數(shù)量的,經濟狀況好的,富裕的

  they are not well off. 他們不富裕

  66 offset

  offset 平版印刷 抵消;

  67 outstanding

  outstanding 已公開發(fā)行且出售的 Publicly issued and sold

  outstanding stocks and bonds. 已發(fā)行的股票和債券

  68 particular

  particular 挑剔的 be particular about

  69 phenomenal

  phenomenal 異常的;非凡的

  a phenomenal feat of memory.


  70 policy

  policy n. 保險單, 保險憑證

  He took out a fire insurance policy for his house.


  71 prejudice

  prejudice v. n. 侵害 Detriment, injury or compromise

  to the prejudice of sb.'s rights


  72 proceeds

  proceeds n.收入(復數(shù)名詞)

  The amount of money derived from a commercial or fundraising venture; the yield.


  The proceeds of the concert will go to charity.

  73 prospect

  prospect 風景,期望,勘探 prospect for 勘探

  prospect for oil勘探石油

  74 ready


  1.敏捷的 She has a ready tongue 她口齒伶俐

  2.甘愿的 She is always ready to help 她總是樂意助人

  75 regimen

  regimen 強化訓練課強化身體訓練的一課, 政體

  76 royalty

  royalty 稅收,皇室,王權

  A share in the proceeds paid to an inventor or a proprietor for the right to use his or

  her invention or services.


  77 scale

  scale 攀登,天平 =climb

  He has scaled the heights of his profession.

  78 seek

  sought-after adj. 很吃香的;廣受歡迎的 sought是seek的過去分詞

  a sought-after resort. 受歡迎的旅游勝地

  79 sport

  sport vt 炫耀(flash)

  80 spot

  on the spot 在現(xiàn)場

  立刻(right now)

  負責任(Under pressure or attention; in a pressed position.)

  81 stomach

  stomach n. 興致(appetite),胃 vt 忍受;容忍(endure; tolerate)

  had no stomach for quarrels. 沒有爭吵的興致

  How can you stomach their affronts?你怎么能夠忍受他們的侮辱?

  82 tap

  tap vt保護(protect),遮蔽 n.帽子

  Foreign governments also put pressure on the Chinese Government to cap its textile


  83 thrust

  thrust n 要旨 v 刺

  The essence; the point: 本質;要點:

  The whole thrust of the project was to make money. 計劃的核心在于贏利

  84 too

  only too... 非常very:

  only too pleased 再高興不過了

  85 try

  try v. 磨難, 考驗 To subject to great strain or hardship; tax:

  The last steep ascent tried my every muscle.


  a trying experience 一段痛苦的經歷

  86 wild

  wild adj 沒有根據的Based on little or no evidence or probability; unfounded:

  a wild guess 亂猜, 瞎猜

  87 yield

  yield v 退位

  To give place, as to one that is superior:


  88 peach

  peach n.桃樹 vt. 告發(fā) vi. 告密 To inform against:

  He has peached me and all the others, to save his life


  89 tap

  tap 開采(develop),輕拍,

  The highway taps a large district.



















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